Friday, June 25, 2010

Drink Tea...Get a Job!

The Tea Council of the USA "Sip of Success" Dream Job Contest Offers Work Experience and Global Adventure to One Lucky College Graduate
(from a press release)

Almost two million college graduates are unemployed and a recent survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers predicts companies will hire 22% fewer graduating seniors than they did last year. The Tea Council of the USA, Inc. is doing its share to help struggling college grads navigate the brutal job market. Its "Sip of Success" contest offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a recent grad to prepare for a great career and experience a unique and thrilling adventure on tea plantations in India, Sri Lanka, Kenya and the USA. College grads can create a two-minute video showing their passion for tea and knowledge of its many health benefits, for a chance to win this exciting prize.

This year's partners will include The Tea Board and the Tea Research Association of India, The Tea Board and the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, as well as The Tea Board and the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. The winner will intern in all three host countries, as well as in the US.

One lucky college graduate will embark on the international internship mid-October of this year, with a tea tour of Darjeeling and Assam, India, the second largest global tea producer following China. The winner will remain in Assam to begin a 6-week intensive training program, after which he or she will travel to Sri Lanka for another leg of the internship, and then on to Kenya for the final week, returning to the US in late December, 2010. Sri Lanka and Kenya are the world's two leading tea exporters.

To top off the experience, in early January, 2011, the winner will participate in the US portion of the Dream Job internship at SalonTea, under the tutelage of nationally known tea entrepreneur Tracy Stern.


Image: Tea Council of the USA

Adagio Teas triniTea Tea Maker
Breville BTM800XL Tea Maker

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