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Ever wonder how tea came to be such a fixture in Britain? A few of the answers to your questions are revealed in How Tea-mania Flooded Britain, a recent article in London's Telegraph.
Speaking of Britain, did you hear the one about the woman who "sips 900 cups of tea a day?" Sounds like pretty sensational stuff until you realize she's a tea taster. For more, refer to this brief profile of a British tea taster for Taylor's of Harrogate.
Continuing with the Brits and tea theme, it recently came out that British metal icon Ozzy Osbourne is keen on Yorkshire Tea. Just in case you were wondering. More here.
From that same part of the world, here's the results of a study by Lyons Tea about what Irish tea drinkers talk about over a cup of tea. Hard-drinking stereotypes aside, keep in mind that the Irish are also some of the world's most serious tea drinkers.
Stay tuned for more World of Tea, an occasional feature that gathers tea-related dispatches from around the globe.
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