Sunday, May 22, 2016

More Earl Grey, Hot With Star Trek's Captain Picard

Adagio Teas - Best Tea Online

Star Trek's Captain Picard On Earl Grey Tea

I've never been a fan of the liquid perfume that's better known as Earl Grey tea, but of course we all like what we like. Here's a short clip in which Captain Picard, of Star Trek: The Next Generation, professes his fondness for it. Which leads to the obvious question - what would Kirk drink?

Adagio Teas - Best Tea Online

Star Trek - Klingon Tea Ceremony

It's a tea ceremony of a decidedly different sort and it's enacted here by Star Trek: The Next Generation's resident Klingon, Worf. For more about the ceremony - which does not use tea as we know it - look here.

Adagio Teas - Best Tea Online