Monday, March 05, 2007

Dragon Well, Gyokuro And Yunnan

Dragon Well, gyokuro and Yunnan - now there's a threesome that's sure to warm a tea lover's heart.

The Fragrant Leaf has a nice overview of Dragon Well, a Chinese variety of green tea. Also known as Long Jing, it's grown in China's Zhejiang province and it's well worth a taste.

I had my first taste of gyokuro recently and I intend to be sampling a lot more of it in the future. Gyokuro is a Japanese variety of green tea that's generally considered to be near the upper end of the quality scale. has put together a guide to "the perfect cup of gyokuro green tea."

If black tea is more to your liking, you might want to give Yunnan a try. Though in China, where Yunnan is produced it's more commonly known as red tea. GoKunming has a brief overview here called Yunnan - The Birthplace of Tea.

For more on Yunnan, check out this rather more in-depth article from the quite worthwhile Cha Dao site, a collaborative effort of 17 tea lovers.


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1 comment:

corax said...

thanks bill for those kind words. your blog is quite worthwhile too! i'm proud to have CHA DAO mentioned positively here.

-- corax