Thursday, October 25, 2007

Taiwanese Tea On TV

Even if you've never seen the Travel Channel's Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern, you can probably deduce that the show is hosted by a guy named Andrew Zimmern who travels around eating bizarre foods.

Taiwan is among the countries Zimmern has visited during the show's second season. While tea hardly qualifies as a "bizarre" food, the Taiwan episode, nonetheless, devotes a segment to the tea industry in and around Pinglin, where the streets are full of tea shops and a giant fountain in the shape of a teapot.

Also on the itinerary, a visit with a tea shop owner and a trip to Beard Tea Farm for a primer on tea production. The last stop on the tour is a restaurant that specializes in dishes made with tea. Among these, buns, pork rubbed with tea, and deep-fried tea leaves.

Here's the Web site for Bizarre Foods. The Taiwan episode is slated to air again on November 14. Check your local listings for details.

shop for tea books.

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1 comment:

Jered Stoehr said...

I'm watching this show right now on TV in Taipei! Thanks for posting the details of the visit, I was hoping to catch them before I forgot.

I wonder, can people visit Beards Tea Farm? That would be really special I think.