Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama Votes For Honest Tea

Barack Obama - perhaps you've heard of him? Now don't worry - I'm not going to wax political. This is definitely not the place for it, nor do I have the inclination to do so.

But there's an article that appeared in the Washington Post recently, discussing Obama's fondness for Honest Tea's bottled wares. Given the length of the piece, it appears that it was a pretty slow news day.

The gist of the article is that Obama once favored Honest Tea's Community Green flavor, before casting that aside for Green Dragon. When he decided to cut down his caffeine intake, Black Forest Berry became his beverage of choice.

All the thrilling details, right here.

shop for tea books.

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1 comment:

All Handhelds said...

I haven't been able to find Honest Tea in my area (Owensboro, Kentcuky). Hopefully it's available online.

If it's good enough for Obama, it's good enough for me!