Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Win A Green Tea Refrigerator

For the tea lover who has everything - it's the Green Tea refrigerator. And what might that be, you ask? Excellent question. Apparently the fridge makers at Amana decided to whip one up that is designed with "a calming shade of metallic green with leaf etching." Aside from the design, there does not appear to be any other connection to green tea.

If you'd like one of these for your very own but you don't want to put forth the cash, head over to Amana's Facebook page and enter to win one. Read more about the Green Tea refrigerator in this press release.

Adagio Teas triniTea Tea Maker
Zarafina Tea Maker Suite


Unknown said...

Hi Tea Guy,
I work for Amana's PR team, Peppercom, and would like to provide you a picture of Green Tea.

Here's a link to the product online - http://www.amana.com/catalog/product_popup.jsp?productId=2318&defaultImageUrl=/assets//amana/images//product//STDDEFAULT/A8RXNGMWG_AB-Default_290X290_HO.jpg. You can also find an image of the product on the Amana Brand Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/AmanaBrand).

If you'd like me to send you an image so you can post it, please let me know.

All the best,

Jessica E. said...

there's a pic on http://www.amanacolor.com/

second to last in row

Favorite One said...

Man - I WANT a tea green refrigerator! Amana is SO cool and AFFORDABLE!