Thursday, April 14, 2011

DoMatcha Tea- Awesome recipes to be had!

DoMatcha Tea- Awesome recipes to be had!
(from a press release)

DōMatcha green tea available from is shade-grown and only the unopened bud and the accompanying finest and youngest top 2 leaves are chosen to be hand-picked.
DōMatcha is pure, clean and additive free - and we can prove it! All our non-organic Matchas were tested by an independent lab, and there were absolutely no detectable residual chemicals from pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. The best thing about this incredible DoMatcha Tea are the recipes you can make with DoMatcha being the base ingredient. Giving all your cheeky drinks a reason to be drunk!

Master Handa's Juicy Matcha Recipe
Is it tea or juice? Either way, everyone agrees that Master Handa's juicy matcha recipe is delicious! He shared this recipe with attendees at the Matcha Seminar in San Francisco this past month, and now we want to share it with everyone else:

1/2 to 1 teaspoon of DōMatcha
6 ounces of water
6 ounces of juice, preferably a thick all-fruit drink such as Odwalla fruit smoothies

Mix the matcha and water together thoroughly. Pour juice in a separate glass, and add add matcha mix on top to form a lovely two-layered effect. You can also mix the matcha directly into the juice for a refreshing drink any time of day!

Matcha Green Tea Latte Recipe
For one 12oz to 16oz serving: Blend 1-2 teaspoons of DōMatcha and a small amount of liquid with a spoon to make a smooth paste. You can use hot or cold milk as well as vanilla soy, rice or almond milk. Add more liquid and sweeten as desired. Try adding chai spices, vanilla or white chocolate syrups for delicious variations!

Matcha Green Tea Frappe Recipe
For one 12oz to 16oz serving: Mix 1-2 teaspoons of DōMatcha with cold milk or vanilla soy/rice/almond milk and some ice cubes in a blender. Add sweetener, fruit or a sprinkle of cinnamon as desired. So easy and so good!

Tea Guy Speaks Amazon Store

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