Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tea Review 135 - Chado Tea House Gyokuro

Chado Tea House

I didn't do a best of for teas that I drank in 2011 and it's a little too soon to decide if I'm going to do one for 2012. But if I do I'm pretty sure that this Gyokuro, one of four currently on offer at Chado Tea House, will be on the list.

This is a really great tea and I could probably be quite happy drinking it every day for the rest of my life. If you imagine what a Japanese green tea tastes like, but then imagine one that's sweeter, smoother and more flavorful then you'll have an idea of what this Gyokuro is all about.

Here's what Chado has to say about it:

Gyokuro from Okabe, Shizuoka; very refined Gyokuro tea. Great aroma and smooth body and sweetness well balanced Gyokuro

Shizuoka is well known Japanese tea producing center that takes about a half share of Japanese tea production. Okabe region is known for Gyokuro production and produce refined Gyokuro. The region’s long time tea making experiences and history made possible to create refined tea. Tea from Shizuoka region has tendency of mild, smooth mouth feeling.

Sample provided by Chado Tea House
Chado Tea House has advertised at Tea Guy Speaks
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The Breville One-Touch Tea Maker

1 comment:

Zomgzorz said...

Any info on radiactive particle count? Shizuoka got hit quite badly and most teas were contaminated, bellow safe limits set by government, but still quite close.