Sunday, September 02, 2012

Tea Review 144 - Peony Tea S. Oolong

Dong Ding Oolong
Peony Tea S.

After sampling a number of oolongs that didn't quite do it for me, I finally ran across one that did - this Dong Ding from Peony Tea S. As for those oolongs I didn't like, it's not that there was anything wrong with them. It's just that I don't like the more heavily processed varieties, of which this is most certainly not.

This one didn't have quite as much of that fruity, slightly perfumey thing that you often get with the lighter oolongs. Which I don't mind, by the way - floral and perfumey are just fine by me. While there were some floral notes here there was something else that I couldn't quite put a finger on it. The merchant claims there are some caramel notes as well, but I didn't get that.

In any event, I found this one quite drinkable. Here's what Peony Tea had to say about it:

Cost per cup (150 ml): $0.34
Hanyu Pinyin: dong ding wu long
Production area: Lugu, Nantou, Taiwan
Harvest time: Spring 2012

Summary: If you like depth and character in your tea, Dong Ding Oolong is a good choice for you. As you taste it, you can slowly uncover so many layers in this multi-faceted experience. Best of all- after you have consumed every delectable drop, your throat beams with approval at the remarkable aftertaste.

Slowly breathe in the deep aroma and enjoy the lingering floral and caramel scent.

Image: Peony Tea S.
Sample provided by Peony Tea S.

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