Saturday, December 17, 2005

Tea Review 45 - Uji Green

Uji Green Tea (Sencha)

There is green tea, my friends, and then there is green tea. If you're looking for a brew that falls into the latter category then look no further than's Uji Green.

From the moment you crack open the resealable foil bag you know this one is going to be a winner. I fell into the same pattern each time I brewed up a fresh bag. Open the package, stuff my nose into it and wallow in the amazing fragrance, pull out a teabag - "gourmet" teabag, that is, one that gives the tea leaves sufficient room to expand - breathe deeply, taking in more of that incredible aroma and then get down to business.

Go easy on this stuff, tea fans. Two minutes at a relatively cool temperature - even by green tea standards - is all it needs and each bag is good for numerous infusions.

And oh what infusions they are - the bright green color, the amazing aroma and the heavenly taste. Pardon me while I swoon.

And there's that little bit of green sediment that lingers until the last sip and then it's off to fire up the kettle again. What else are you gonna do?

Tea Guy certainly doesn't consider himself a tea expert, not by any stretch of the imagination. But I've tasted a heap of green teas now and I wouldn't hesitate to put Uji Green tea near the top of that heap.

Highly recommended.

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