First up comes a notice of a tea blog that's shutting down. That would be Tea Posur, but I'll leave them on the tea blog list as long as the site remains online.
If Earl Grey Whole Roasted Cabbage gets your taste buds dancing (not me), check out the recipe at A Nice Cuppa.
Phyll, over at Adventures in Tea Cups & Wine Glasses, has been busy lately, tasting a 2005 Spring Great Red Robe Wuyi Oolong, a 2006 Gopaldhara Estate Spring 1st Flush Darjeeling and a 2006 Singbulli Estate 1st Flush, Darjeeling.
At the Culinary Teas site, Candie has put together a brief article on Tea and Food Pairings. Read it here.
If you'd like to take part in a tea swap, head to MaD PoTs, where Madame Potts has posted information on The Summertime Tea Swap 2006.
And, from Teapots Teapots Teapots, here's a picture of a rather silly teapot hat.
tea, green tea, food, food and drink, Earl Grey, Darjeeling, oolong
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