Sunday, March 08, 2009

Moroccan Mint Tea

While skimming around through some tea Web pages not so long ago - as I so often do - I came across an interesting article at the Tea Treasures site. It's a nicely illustrated and informative piece about tea drinking in Morocco. Tea there, as the article notes, "consists of Chinese green gunpowder tea, fresh mint leaves, usually spearmint, I believe, and many cubes of sugar." Worth a look.

More on Moroccan mint tea here and here.

The Renaissance of Tea
Zarafina Tea Maker Suite
IQ Innovations 51552 Fine T 4-Cup Gourmet Tea Machine

1 comment:

BobaTea said...

can we found the morocan mint tea ingredients any where in the world. as we can find Bubble tea now every where, but some time before it was only in China.