Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Tea Martinis

Tea and alcohol - they go together like, well, like tea and alcohol. It's a mix that's becoming popular enough nowadays that here at TGS we have an entire category devoted to it.

If you're keen to try a tea martini anytime soon, check out David's Tea Martini Kit, which comes with North African Mint, Kashmir Chai, Raspberry Nectar, Earl Grey and Lime Bang teas, among other things.

For more information on the tea martini, try the Tea Martinis page at Mahalo.

The Renaissance of Tea
Zarafina Tea Maker Suite
IQ Innovations 51552 Fine T 4-Cup Gourmet Tea Machine

1 comment:

Cashmere JL said...

Now that's more interesting than all the healthy tea drinks I've been browsing.