Monday, November 09, 2009

More Tea Gadgets

Time for another round of tea gadgets and gimmicks. Let's start with the tea pill, which has been under development in India for some time now. Here's an article from the Times of India about how the pills are being given to members of the armed forces there. No, thanks.

I haven't figured out what to make of Emergency Tea Unit, a site sponsored by Pembrokeshire Tea Company. Apparently it's a parody, of sorts, on emergency response organizations of yesteryear. The Remain Calm and Drink Tea shirt isn't a bad gimmick, now that you mention it.

If you're in the market for an infuser gadget or tea junk to take on the road, check out what Mellow Monk had to say about Aladdin's Magic Infuser Mug or have a look at this video demo of Eight Cranes' Perfect Steeper. Or check out this great overview of Tea Travel Mugs, at Tea Finely Brewed.

Why does your teapot dribble? Enquiring minds may or may not want to know, but rest assured that we've got people working on the problem. Read all about it in this article from Gizmag.

Last up, some "tea inspired beats" from Dax at the review site, Tea Amigos.

Buy Blooming Tea Gift Sets in Canada
RedUmbrella Tea, Canada’s Loose Leaf Tea Co.


Anonymous said...

I like what Pembrokeshire Tea is doing with their TeaEmergency promotions. It's a lot of fun. Tea is indeed appropriate for a lot of trying situations; it's a good thing to medicate yourself with.

Marlena said...

So right, lose the tea pills