Saturday, October 08, 2011

Tea Review 124 - Teavivre Bailin Gongfu

Bailin Gongfu Black Tea

With most teas that I try I find that I either like them or I don't. It's relatively rare to find a tea that grows on me, so to speak. But that's exactly the case with this Chinese black tea from Teavivre. I was somewhat put off by the taste at first, but now that I'm on the last cup of the rather sizable sample pack I've grown quite fond of it.

Teavivre has fairly extensive notes on this one at their web site, but here are a few highlights.

Hand-crafted at Mt. Taimu in Fujian province
Black and gold coloured pine-needle shaped appearance
A rich, full bodied sweet tasting tea with a hint of caramel

Bai Lin Gongfu is a completely oxidised black tea. It is a “gongfu” (or “congou”) type of black tea, which indicates that it is hand crafted, with the leaf buds being twisted into thin, tight strips without them being broken. When dry, the tea has a sweet, caramel like scent and has a mix of black and golden-orange “pekoe” coloured leaf buds.

As for that "hint of caramel," I was thinking that it was more like a hint of cocoa, which was what put me off at first, but I could see where it could be interpreted as caramel. In any event, if you're looking for a Chinese black tea that's a little more obscure than the usual choices you might want to give this one a try.

Sample provided by Teavivre
Teavivre has advertised at Tea Guy Speaks
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