Tuesday, February 21, 2006

March Is Assam Month

Hold on. Don't go running off to check your calendar. As far as I know this is the only place where Assam Month will be observed.

What's it all about? Nothing special, really. I just decided that it might be nice to narrow my focus every now and then. Since I'm quite fond of Assam tea I thought that would be a great way to kick things off.

So be sure to tune in as the vast majority of March's content will be Assam related. If you've got tips on something that might be of interest leave a comment and I'll check it out. If you're a merchant and you'd like to provide a sample of Assam tea for review, let me know. I've got a heap of samples coming from Upton, but you certainly can never have too much Assam tea on hand.


Tom said...

Is there a particular brand of Assam tea that you'd recommend? I'd like to give a try.


William I. Lengeman III said...


I recently reviewed an Assam from Mangalain Estate, which was quite good. I got it from In Pursuit of Tea. I'll be reviewing a lot more Assam in March, so be sure to check back. Upton Tea Imports had about 60 varieties, at last count, and since they offer sample sizes you can experiment on the cheap.

William I. Lengeman III said...


What a coincidence. Rembeng is one of the teas I'm going to review. I just broke the seal this morning and had a cup. Good stuff.