Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Green Tea Toothpaste

For more on the connection between tea and dental health, check out this article about TEAth Floss.

Here's the blurb from the manufacturer's Web site:

"Developed by a dentist to aid in the prevention of periodontal disease. TEAth FLOSS™ is made from the finest quality dental floss and infused with natural tea flavors. This floss is tantalizing to the taste buds."

(Original Post)
I've been trying to think of consumer products that don't contain green tea and the list gets smaller every day. I have yet to see green tea butter or margarine, green tea breakfast cereal or green tea motor oil and I'm really surprised that nobody's dreamed up a green tea hair loss tonic yet.

But green tea toothpaste? No problem. Check out Dr. Ken's Web site, where you'll find it, along with green tea chewing gum (more on that here), mouthwash, dental floss and breath strips.

shop for tea books.

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1 comment:

JaneFan said...

Kashi Heart to Heart cereal advertises that it contains green tea extract. does that count?

I'm sure there are hair products with it too, though maybe not specifically for hair loss...