Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Tea Forté Introduces Tea-over-Ice

Tea Forté Re-Imagines Iced Tea with the Introduction of Tea-over-Ice
(from a press release)

Tea Forté, the innovator of the contemporary tea experience, today announces the re-imagination of iced tea with Tea-Over-Ice. This revolutionary expression of iced tea begins with extravagantly blended tea infusions that are brewed fresh and then flash-chilled using the innovative, sculptural Tea-Over-Ice brewing pitcher. This unique flash-chilling technique locks in the fresh, luscious flavors and healthful antioxidants that have long been associated with hot tea.

At the heart of the Tea-Over-Ice experience are Tea Forté’s signature tea infusions, specially blended for iced tea using nature’s bounty of luscious fruits, healing herbs and flowers. Four Tea-Over-Ice blends have been developed, each delivering an extravagantly delicious taste profile that carefully balances the fruit-forward flavors that are perfectly suited for iced tea.

The Tea-Over-Ice brewing pitchers ($42.00 SRP) and specially blended iced teas ($24.00 SRP for 12 infusers) are available at specialty retailers nationwide beginning April 16, 2008. For more information or for online purchase please visit Tea Forte.

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1 comment:

njm said...

What a neat little invention. I'll have to check out their website.

~Tea Escapade