Monday, June 29, 2009

Tea Review 100 - Mighty Leaf (x4)

Organic Emerald Pearls
Organic Yellow Flower
Marrakesh Mint Green
Orange Dulce
Might Leaf Tea Company

Organic Emerald Pearls
Organic Yellow Flower
A nice pair of loose-leaf Chinese green teas from Anhui province. Quite a delicate flavor in both cases. This can be a bit of a drawback if you're used to stronger stuff, but nothing really to complain about here.

Orange Dulce
There are a few flavored teas I like, but as a general rule I'm not the target audience for this sort of thing. Orange Dulce is a blend of black tea with orange, vanilla and jasmine. Not to my liking, so much, but your mileage is likely to vary.

Marrakesh Mint Green
As with most mint teas, the mint component of Marrakesh Mint tends to overpower the green tea. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. For my money, a good peppermint tisane is as good as anything, but if you want a bit of a pick-me-up, you could do worse than this mix of China green teas and Moroccan mint that's been "cultivated on a mountainside in Tiznit."

Adagio Teas triniTea Tea Maker
Zarafina Tea Maker Suite

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