Monday, October 05, 2009

Adagio Roots Campaign

Tea - it doesn't grow on trees, you know. Oh wait. Actually tea does grow on trees and as is the case with any agricultural product, it requires that there are people involved in every step of its production from planting until the point when we the consumers are clutching the finished product in our sweaty little paws.

In recognition of this fact, Adagio Teas recently launched their Roots Campaign. It will allow their customers to meet the individual farmers who produce their teas and to gain an insight on the process of growing and making tea. The project is slated to run for 12 months and will feature 12 farmers from different tea-growing regions around the world. The first two farmers featured are a grower from China's Fu Jian province and a rooibos farmer from South Africa. More here.

Adagio Teas triniTea Tea Maker
Zarafina Tea Maker Suite


Unknown said...

Thanks for the write-up. We are excited to get more support behind this project & appreciate your taking the time to help spread the word.
-Adagio Teas

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see farmers from Yunnan Province who do Puerh tea. That's my favorite tea and my everyday drink. It's not the biggest attraction for Adagio so they are unlikely to give it much pull. But I'll still look for ways to connect with Yunnan on the Internet. --Teaternity