Saturday, October 08, 2005

Pumpkin Tempest In A Teapot

(Updated 09/19/06) - The Asia Dragon link below seems to be down for the count. Here's one for Dragonwater Tea's rooibos pumpkin tea.

Let's see. If it's autumn, then it must be time for pumpkin tea. Texas tea makers Tempest Tea (pardon my gross alliteration) is offering - for a limited time - Pumpkin Bubble Tea and Pumpkin Tea Latte. The catch, as far as I can tell, is that you have to be in Texas to take advantage of the offer - Dallas, to be exact.

But fret not, there are other pumpkin teas out there, believe it or not. Adagio offers one and you can also give this one - from Asia Dragon - a shot.

I have to confess that I'm a little behind the curve on bubble tea, having not had a chance to try any yet. But I'm working on it. Tempest's pumpkin variety is made with Ceylon tea and flavored with pumpkin (duh), nutmeg, vanilla and more, essentially the same mix as their Pumpkin Tea Latte.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go wait for the Great Pumpkin.


Mona said...

Ok, just wrote that one down..thanks! I'll have to get that along with my favorite chai tea. Got any recs for chai? I can't seem to find a good one in a box anywhere...

William I. Lengeman III said...

I'm not much of a chai fan, so I'm not the right guy to make recommendations on that one.