Sunday, October 02, 2005

Tea Review 23 - Republic of Tea Pink Grapefruit

Pink Grapefruit Green Tea
The Republic of Tea

The field of flavored green teas is looking a little crowded these days, but Republic's Pink Grapefruit entry sounded promising all the same. It's part of the company's Sip For the Cure line, which also includes Pink Lemonade, Pink Rose and Pink Lady Apple. A portion of the proceeds from each sale go to support breast cancer.

The ingredients list for Pink Grapefruit includes Premium China green tea, pink peony petals and natural pink grapefruit flavoring and it's all packed into a nifty round tea bag. When I opened the single serving sample pack I was assaulted by a strong grapefruit aroma. Not a bad thing, mind you. In fact, I kept the empty packet around for a little while just to enjoy that fragrance.

Unfortunately, the pink grapefruit flavor and aroma didn't carry over to the tea quite so well. After brewing, I caught a faint whiff of it and then for the first few sips there was an ever so subtle grapefruit overtone, but this seemed to dwindle.

But this is not such a bad tea, all in all, as the green tea component is good enough to make up for the relatively weak grapefruit taste.

Contents: Single serving sample packet
I paid: free


Brenda said...

When I first read the name, this didn't sound too appealing. Then I thought about how great lemon and orange are in tea - so maybe grapefruit would add an interesting element.

I sometimes find that a bit of honey or sugar will bring out the taste in something that is delicate - although I generally prefer my tea "straight up". :-)

Nice to see a blogger giving tea it's due!

~ B

William I. Lengeman III said...

I'm not real keen on flavored teas, but Republic also has a blueberry green tea that looks interesting.