Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tea Review 65 - Pixie Mate Limon & Lush Tropics

Lush Tropics Mate
Mate Limon
Pixie Mate

My last experience with Pixie Mate was their Chai Mate Latte and Dark Roast Mate Latte, which I reviewed here. These are boxed concentrate type drinks, but Pixie Mate also sells yerba mate in tea bag form, as well as the loose stuff.

Mate Limon and Lush Tropics Mate both fall into the tea bag category. Lush Tropics is made from all organic ingredients, including yerba mate, hibiscus, roasted chicory root, licorice root and the ever popular "natural flavors".

I'm not averse to some herbal teas, but I have to admit that I have limited patience for the rosehips and hibiscus type. Having said that, I'll also say that Lush Tropics wasn't so bad, as far as this sort of thing goes. I think the problem is that I'm just not the right audience for this stuff. So I'll shut up about it.

Mate Limon worked better for me. Although I'd never dream of ruining tea - or yerba mate - with lemon I do have kind of a weakness for lemon flavored stuff. Mate Limon's got kind of a sweet flavor and really only the vaguest hint of lemon, or at least that's what my taste buds told me. There's also an equally subtle undertone of yerba mate going on here, but it all adds up to a nice taste. I could see myself drinking this one now and then.

As for ingredients, Mate Limon is composed of yerba mate, lemon verbena, black tea, lemongrass, licorice root, natural flavors and ginger - and all of it organic.

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