Monday, September 07, 2009

First Independent Tea Tasting A Success

First Independent Tea Tasting A Huge Success
(from a press release)

Similar to a fine wine tasting, Tea Extravaganza 2009, the first independent tea tasting of its kind, was successfully completed at the Drake Hotel in Chicago on August 10th and 11th. The two-day event was unanimously hailed by registrants as extraordinary after tasting 14 of the finest, rarest, and most exquisite loose-leaf teas the world over. Tea Extravaganza 2009 attracted connoisseurs from all over the U.S. and Canada, including several certified tea masters. The event was co-sponsored by the Drake Hotel and the American Tea Masters Association.

What made Tea Extravaganza 2009 so unique was its independent structure. Neither of its co-sponsors, the Drake Hotel or the American Tea Masters Association, were promoting or selling any of the teas. The event was purely an experiential gathering for sampling three steepings of each of the 14 high-end, exquisite teas.

Of the 14 teas on the menu, Tenbu (Keiko), Oriental Beauty (Cloudwalker), Melon Slice (PeLi), Jun Shan Yin Zhen Silver Needle (PeLi), and the 1996 Collector’s Pu-erh Super Grade (PeLi) received the greatest praise from registrants.

As for the future, the American Tea Masters Association is giving serious consideration to launching Tea Extravaganza 2010 in four major North American cities next year, including one in Canada. For more information on the 2010 schedule, send an email to or call (619) 330-9017.

Image: ATMA

Adagio Teas triniTea Tea Maker
Zarafina Tea Maker Suite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dream is to someday be able to attend little gatherings like this. I'd settle for Pu-erh tastings here in my hometown of the Twin Cities, since I'm not wealthy enough to travel much, but I have my eyes on these events since they're growing in renown. --Spirituality of Tea