Monday, August 01, 2005

Tea Review 5 - Stash Wild Raspberry

Wild Raspberry Herbal Tea
The Stash Tea Company

Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a consumer of berry-flavored herbal tea, but the fact remains that I find most of them too tart. Stash's Wild Raspberry, one of it's so-called premium varieties, is no exception.

Stash, an Oregon-based tea company, has been doing their thing since 1972. They offer an extensive line of loose and bagged teas in green, black and other formulations, along with some flavored varieties and a wide assortment of herbal tea. Stash also offers gift packs and tea-related accessories, if you're into that sort of thing. This whole kit and caboodle is collected into a catalog that appears a few times a year and whose arrival is eagerly anticipated in my neck of the woods.

Wild Raspberry uses what seems to be a more or less standard mix of ingredients for many herbal teas - hibiscus flowers, orange peel, lemongrass, rosehips, licorice powder and citric acid. And, of course, there are the natural raspberry flavors.

The recommended prep time is three to five minutes in "hot" water. I brewed mine for about four minutes in water that was probably 10-15 degrees shy of boiling. The tea brews up with a nice dark red color and reminds me why I like to drink tea from a clear glass rather than a mug.

Perhaps my taste buds are not refined enough, but all I got out of this one was a very tart berry flavor. Your results may vary.

I do find a tea like this useful for brewing iced tea, though I prefer to mix it with something more low-key, like a rooibos or even a black tea, though my delicate constitution doesn't always allow for the latter. In a mix of two parts rooibos (or black) to one part raspberry, the tartness is considerably diluted and there's just the right touch of berry flavor.

Contents: 20 tea bags to a box.
I Paid: $1.50 (sale price)

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